While I watched the sunrise over the horizon on my flight to Costa Rica, I realized I had waited almost nine years for this moment. In March 2013 while visiting Costa Rica for the first time with my family, I expressed my desire to return in Winter 2022 for an extended stay. My husband at the time laughed and told me I’d be going alone, so I tucked it away. After the divorce in 2016, things seemed so bleak and Costa Rica seemed like a distant pipe dream. I put away the beautiful photographed book of Guanacaste, but kept the Costa Rica bumper sticker on my prayer altar. Little did I know then that I had planted a seed that would blossom and multiply.

And here I AM - can I get a “Praise God” for sure this has been a Divine journey.

I am absolutely incredulous and BEYOND grateful for an extended stay in Nosara, Costa Rica and my miraculous journey here is better than I could have imagined!

Prior to my flight here I took a week-long road trip with my son Jeremy from Washington, DC to Austin, TX. It was a tremendous gift of 1:1 time and presence that I had NEVER had before with him.

If I told you that at one point during the divorce proceedings I had less than $100 in my checking account, not knowing how I was going to meet my bills - would you believe me? It was one of many low points I experienced. I wondered what had happened to the woman I once was who at one point was making 4 figures a day, confident and strong. I felt hopeless, fearful and lost on so many levels. I wanted my children to see me as independent, self-sufficient, brave and capable. I felt so disconnected from the worthiness that was my birthright.

So what did I do? I kept showing up to my life; just trying to do THE NEXT BEST THING. I prayed A TON and leaned into a community of women I had built over the years. I cultivated a daily gratitude practice; I meditated; I worked a 12-step program. And just when I needed a miracle, one would show up. I trained myself to look for the good - to look for God in the smallest of things.

As Albert Einstein once said, “You can live as if everything is a miracle or nothing is a miracle.” My gratitude practice cultivated a mindset to look for the good in everything - even the things that are not going my way. Are you consistently looking for the good? Are you writing down your gratitudes? ANd I’m not talking about the platitude gratitudes, like “I am grateful for my family and friends,” but the “I am grateful for the conflict with “x” because it's bringing me clarity on what I want” or “ I am grateful for my friend’s kindness & support of listening when I was struggling.” It may sound like hooey, but I am TELLING you IT WORKS!! Can’t do it on your own? Get a gratitude buddy! I just spent 5 days in Nosara with my gratitude buddy who moved to Costa Rica in June 2022 with his husband. We have been texting each other our gratitudes on a (mostly) daily basis since 2014 and here we are.

It might sound like I am simplifying things or painting a picture with a pollyanna paintbrush. I assure you that is not the case. It has taken me almost 15 years to get to a place of forgiveness and freedom. This journey started with memories of childhood abuse in May 2007. It’s been a struggle for a number of years. Many mornings I did not want to get out of bed; many times I wanted to give up on my dreams of:

  • healing my family

  • owning my own business

  • a healthy, loving intimate relationship

  • extensive travel

  • living at the beach

  • being an author and public speaker

And now? All of my dreams I thought were nearly impossible are coming true AND I get to dream even bigger dreams.

I say all of this because if you are feeling surrounded by darkness and hopelessness, I want to remind you that you are worthy of miracles - it is your birthright. We cannot do it alone. I want to help. I want to shine the light of hope, promise and faith in your darkness and help you BELIEVE in the future you want to live.

And as Tom Petty sings “The Waiting is the hardest part”

Keep going, I love you!

Schedule a call with me today!

Corinne helps women break cycles of anger, fear and anxiety so they can feel calm, connected and hopeful in their most important relationships. Corinne has first-hand experience in breaking the cycles of anger, trauma, abuse and addiction in her own family and is on a mission to help others break these cycles in their families. She has a goal of helping over 1 million women and families by 2026.

Schedule a call to learn how she can help you.